Our business site article was published in NTT Media Supply’s “DoRACOON” website.

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On December 8, 2020, the contents of “GreenWaves,” a website operated by our business, were introduced on the official website of DoRACOON, a corporate WiFi router operated by NTT Media Supply.


GreenWaves measures the actual speed of a wide range of communication services, mainly mobile WiFi routers, and posts the actual measured values of how fast communication can be achieved in an environment similar to actual usage, so that those who are considering using these services can use them with peace of mind.

Cloud SIM Mobile WiFi Router Communication Speed Comparison Ranking – Verified every 10 minutes for 24 hours for several days!

In particular, DoRACOON uses a dedicated corporate line, and verification has shown that the communication speed is high enough for online classes and teleworking.

DoRACOON’s communication speed measurement results|Upload speeds that stand out from the crowd as a service for corporate customers

Through our continued efforts, we will continue to disseminate information that will be beneficial to those who are considering this project.

